Wednesday, November 07, 2007

New day and out the door in a moment. I've been doing a lot of work on the library wiki trying out new widgets, etc. With all of these useful web 2.0 tools, the real problem becomes not, as it used to be, figuring out how to use the tool <>, but instead how to find the TIME to use all of the tools. Here's a chat widget that will let you text me no matter which chat client you use.Just type "hello?" in the message box below and hit the enter key. If I'm online, I'll reply!

{Update 11/9: I jsut moved the chat widget to the upper left navbar, so it won't disappear into the archives as this post ages}


Anonymous said...

Hi Robin. Maybe it's me (or my laptop), but I can't type anything in the box! You're probably asleep anyway! ;-)
So true about finding the time for the tools, not to mention other necessities of life. Spent most of the a.m. today trying to coax a squirrel out of my crawlspace. While I was waiting for it, another squirrel came in throught the open garage door, which was supposed to be for egress, ran up the steps and right into the crawlspace. Before my very eyes.

Robin@TheNatureCoast said...

Hmm, maybe the second squirrel was part of a rescue team? ;) We had one in our attic last winter for almost 6 weeks! About the box, did you mean you couldn't type in the chat box? Were you trying to type in the empty box at the top? I did that first time out too, you need to type in the lower box over the existing text. When you hit enter, it throws your text to the top box awaiting my reply. I'm trying to stay online with Meebo as much as possible, so keep trying!